(724) 834 - 6856 or

Steele’s Driving School is located in lovely Greensburg, Pennsylvania.  You can contact us at (724) 834 - 6856 or  Serving Greensburg, Latrobe, Jeannette, Hempfield Township, Harrison City, Irwin, Mt. Pleasant and the rest of central Westmoreland County for the past 32 years.

                   Over 100 years of combined teaching experience.


2022 Pennsylvania Crash Facts and Statistics

On Average in Pennsylvania:
Each day 332 reportable traffic crashes occurred
        (about 14 crashes every hour).

Each day 3 persons are killed in reportable traffic crashes
        (one death every 7 hours).

Each day 219 persons are injured in reportable crashes
        (about 9 injuries every hour).

Based on Pennsylvania’s 2022 population (12,787,209 people):

1 out of every 46 people was involved in a reportable traffic crash.

1 out of every 10,701 people was killed in a reportable traffic crash.

1 out of every 160 people was injured in a reportable traffic crash.

While we can’t guarantee you will never be

involved in traffic crash, we at Steele’s Driving

School can inform and instruct you in

techniques to help maximize your

chances of NOT being another STATISTIC!