(724) 834 - 6856 or

Steele’s Driving School is located in lovely Greensburg, Pennsylvania.  You can contact us at (724) 834 - 6856 or  Serving Greensburg, Latrobe, Jeannette, Hempfield Township, Harrison City, Irwin, Mt. Pleasant and the rest of central Westmoreland County for the past 32 years.

Obtaining a Pennsylvania
Class C Learners Permit.

The following link will redirect you the the
steps involved in obtaining a permit:

The following link will take you to the online version of the Pennsylvania Drivers Manual. Under most sections there is a sample test for that chapter.

This link will redirect you to the page contains all forms, publications
and FAQs related to teens who are studying to get their learner’s
permit or who are practicing for their driver’s license.

IMPORTANT Things to remember when going
to the Drivers License Center:

1.  The Drivers License does NOT accept cash.  The cost for a learners permit(and the first 4 years of your drivers license) is $35.50.  It can be paid by a check or money order made payable to PennDOT.

2.  Make sure the application is filled out correctly.  If any part of the application is not complete and/or filled out incorrectly, it will not be accepted by the issuing agent.

3. Bring proper identification:
Social Security Card (card cannot be laminated)
AND  ONE of the following:
* Birth Certificate with raised seal (U.S. issued by an authorized government agency, including U.S. territories or Puerto Rico. Non-U.S. Birth Certificates will not be accepted)
* Certificate of U.S. Citizenship (BCIS/INS Form N-560)
* Certificate of Naturalization (BCIS/INS Form N-550 or N-570)
* Valid U.S. Passport
NOTE:  Only valid U.S. Passports and original documents will be accepted.

4.  If you wear glasses or contact lenses, please bring them with you.  At the Driver License Center, your vision will be tested.

5.  Study the Drivers Manual.  Yes it sounds logical, but every day we see young men and women leaving the Test Center with tears streaming down their face because they didn’t get their permit.  There are over 300 questions in the test bank.  The answers can be found ANYWHERE in the Pennsylvania Drivers Manual.  The bottom line is KNOW the manual.